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Showing posts with the label Can you recover from AIDS?


AIDS;    How AIDS cause? Can you recover from AIDS?Can AIDS kills?What are HIV/AIDS? Where did HIV come from? How do I know if I have HIV? you have all these questions in your mind then lets see the HIV/AIDS: causes symptoms treatments and more.     The word AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This means deficiency of immune system, acquired during the lifetime of an individual indicating that it is not a congenital disease. Syndrome means a group of symptoms. AIDS was first reported in 1981 and in the last 25 years or so, it has spread all over the world killing more than 25 million persons. Cause;  AIDS is caused by the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), a member of group of viruses called retrovirus. Transmission of HIV-infection generally occurs by a) Sexual contact with infected person b) By transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products  c) By sharing infected needles as in case of intravenous drug abusers and...