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Diabetes is a chronic disease which occurs either when pancreas does not produces enough insulin or a person also get diabetes if the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. If any diabetic patient is not serious about it or if any healthy person doesn’t take care of his/her health than he/she should read this once, WHO reports that the number of people with diabetes lies from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. The diabetes prevalence has been rising more rapidly in low- and middle- income countries than in high-income countries. Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attack, stoke and lower limb amputation. In 2016, about 1.6 million were directly cause due to diabetes. WHO estimates that diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in 2016. And according to another recent studies in every seven seconds somebody is estimated to die due to diabetes.
As we read above about insulin, it is a hormone which regulates the blood glucose level. Diabetes is mainly due to excess amount of glucose in the blood than optimum range ie. 80-120 grams glucose per litre of blood. In our body whenever the blood glucose level exceeds from the optimum range pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin which acts as hypoglycemic factor and stimulates the body cells to absorb the glucose from the blood then the remaining glucose is stored in the form of glycogen and is used whenever the energy required to our body.
But the real problem starts when the production of insulin stops or decreases, this condition is called as diabetes insipidus or commonly the sweet urine disease.
Now we know what are the cause and effects of diabetes but the important thing is how to treat diabetes? In previous days such patients are treated with insulin tablets and insulin injections obtain from pancreas of slaughtered cows or pigs. But their was a problem the treated patients are suffering from allergies.
So in 1978 the first human insulin was produced using E.coli bacterium with the help of r-DNA technology technique. Eli Lily an American company produced it commercially in 1982 under the brand name Humulin.
Now I think you are serious about your health and will try to prevent diabetes, so hear are some tips which you can take to prevent it as we know that prevention is better than cure.
The starting point for prevention from any of dangerous diseases is an early diagnosis, the longer a person live misdiagnosed and untreated diabetes, the worse will happen to his/her life. So a regular checkup must be done.
Although there are certain factors which you cant change such as your genes, age or past behavior, but there are many actions that you can take to reduce the risk of diabetes, such as..
- Reduce or stop consuming sugar and refined curb,
- Work out regularly,
- Consume high fibre food,
- Drink water as your primary beverage,
- This is for overweight people, please lose your weight,
- Smoking can cause diabetes so quite it,
- And this is my favourite point, drink coffee or tea with low or no sugar.
Know your aware about one of the dangerous disease diabetes, so share this information with your family and friends and aware them also.
Live healthy and live good.
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